In this episode of The Strategic Nonprofit, listen in on a conversation Tom Abbott, Managing Director had with Charlotte Kemp about how nonprofits can adapt during these turbulent times.
And while we’re speaking about adapting during these times, we’re running a series of free webinars to help nonprofits out during these times. We’re covering everything from ethics to evaluating the Board.
Balancing Staff Responsibility
Nonprofits organized in terms of staff vary wildly, and no two organizations find the same structures useful. Is there a single solution that fits all circumstances? No. However, the preferred model for most is The Complementary Model. With this type, there is widespread acceptance of the principle, “The Board sets policy and the staff implements policy,” however, how a nonprofit operationalizes this statement is individual.
Download your FREE guide to the 10 Principles of The Complementary Model of Board Governance
With the Complementary Model of board governance, we see the roles and responsibilities of staff being very different from the volunteer director. So in most smaller organizations volunteer directors want to get involved.
Opportunity & Adaptability
It’s not about surviving the short term period. It’s really about how you succeed in growing your nonprofit organization for the next five or ten years. Although many organizations experienced being abruptly forced into the digital era, they’re now starting to see many of its benefits.
This is critical when most people are reconsidering travel plans and are replacing in-person events with virtual ones. The nonprofits that survive are the ones who are most adaptable to their changing environment. If you’re able to adapt to your changing environment, you will evolve, you will succeed.
Keep Providing Value
You need to think about if you’re going to survive, what’s going to be that thread that brings everybody together and whether donors feel they need to be a member. That membership in your organization is indispensable and irreplaceable, and more organizations finally need to start looking at non-dues revenue as their primary source of revenue.
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Whether you have a specific goal, troublesome problem or a new exciting opportunity you need assistance navigating -AMC’s customized strategic planning sessions will help.
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