British Columbia Associations
From “D” to “L”
This list of associations is meant to be a helpful directory and is not an exhaustive list of all associations across the province. AMC does not guarantee that the association listed is still in operation or a registered nonprofit. For this type of information, please check with government agencies.
- D’Habitation Demers
- Data Processing Management Assn
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Dawson Creek & District Chamber of Commerce
- Dawson Creek & District Health Care Society
- DBR Housing Society
- Deka Services Assn
- Delta Assn for the Handicapped
- Delta Boy’s & Girl’s Club
- Delta Chamber of Commerce
- Dental Technicians and Denturists Board
- Design BC
- Design Resources Assn
- Design Vancouver
- Deutschkanadischer Kongress (German-Cdn. Congress, BC Chapter)
- Directors’ Guild, BC District
- Disabled Sailing Assn of BC
- Disabled Skiers Assn of BC – Fraser Valley Zone
- District of Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce
- District of Tumbler Ridge Chamber of Commerce
- Dogwood BC
- Downtown Eastside Residents Assn
- Downtown Granville Tenants Assn
- Downtown Vancouver Assn
- Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Assn
- Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Gardens
- Duncan-Cowichan Chamber of Commerce
- Dundee Court Co-op
- E-Mail Agents and Tax Preparers Assn of Can.
- East Chilliwack Agricultural Co-op
- Eastside Family Place
- Eburne Landing Co-op
- Economic Development Assn of BC
- EDI Council of Can. – West Reg’l Off
- Edmonds Place
- Electical Contractors Assn of BC
- Electronic Manufacturer’s Assn of BC
- Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver
- Elkford Chamber of Commerce
- Emma G. Co-op
- Emergency Social Services Assn
- Employee Share Ownership & Investment Assn
- Endeavour Society
- Enderby District Chamber of Commerce
- Esquimalt Chamber or Commerce
- F.I.D.O. (Western Fed. of Ind. & Dog Org.)
- Faculty Assn of UBC
- Federal Superanuated National Assn
- Federation des francophones de la Colombie Britanique
- Federation of BC Writers
- Federation of Child and Family Services of BC
- Federation of Independent School Assns
- Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC
- Fernie Chamber of Commerce
- Festival Concert Society
- Federation des Franco-Colombiens
- Festival of Murals Society, Chemaimus
- First Nations’ Emergency Services Society of BC
- First Peoples’ Cultural Foundation
- First Seniors Resources & Research Society
- Fish Processors Bargaining Assn of BC
- Fisheries Council of BC
- Fishing Vessel Owners Assn of BC
- Football BC
- Ford Road Co-op
- Forest Education BC
- Fort Langley & District Chamber of Commerce
- Fort Nelson Chamber of Commerce
- Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce
- Fort St. John & District Chamber of Commerce
- Foundation for Immune Diseases
- Four Wheel Drive Association of BC
- Fraser Institute
- Fraser Lake Chamber of Commerce
- Fraser Range Broad Cow Assn
- Fraser River Place
- Fraser Valley Bar Assn
- Fraser Valley Bush Bean Grower’s Assn
- Fraser Valley Farm Direct Marketing Assn
- Fraser Valley HomeBuilders’ Assn
- Fraser Valley Milk Producers Assn
- Fraser Valley Mushroom Growers Assn
- Fraser Valley Pea Growers Assn
- Fraser Valley Real Estate Board
- Fraserside Community Services Society
- Freedom of Information and Privacy Assn
- Garden Court Co-op
- Garden Square
- Garth Homer Society for the Handicapped
- Gastown Business Improvement Society
- Gateway House Society
- Gay and Lesbian Business Assn
- Gem and Mineral Federation of canada – BC
- George Darby Centre
- German-Cdn. Congress – BC
- Gibsons & District Chamber of Commerce
- Gilford Corporate Park
- Girl Guides of Can. BC Council
- Glazing Contractors Assn Of BC
- Gold River Health Clinic Society
- Golden & District Chamber of Commerce
- Grand Forks & District Chamber of Commerce
- Granville Gardens
- Granville Island Businessman’s Assn
- Greater Kamloops Chamber of Commerce
- Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce
- Greater Vancouver Apartment Owners’ Assn
- Greater Vancouver Assn of the Deaf
- Greater Vancouver Food Bank
- Greater Vancouver Home Builders Assn
- Greater Vancouver Hospital Society
- Greater Vancouver Hotel Assn
- Greater Vancouver Int’l Film Festival Society
- Greater Vancouver Inventors Society
- Greater Vancouver Media Assn
- Greater Vancouver Mental Health Service Society
- Greater Vancouver Regional District
- Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce
- Greater Victoria Visitors & Convention Bureau
- Green Thumb Garden Society of Terrace
- Greenwood & District Chamber of Commerce
- Gulf Log Salvage Cooperation Assn
- Hairdressers’ Assn of BC
- Halston Hills
- Hang Gliding Assn of BC
- Harris Road Co-op
- Harrison Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce
- Hawthorne Co-op
- Healing Our Spirit BC 1st Nations AIDS Society
- Health Employers Assn of BC
- Health Sciences Assn of BC
- Healthcare Labour Adjustment Agency of BC
- Healthy Community Committee
- Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC and Yukon
- Heating Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Institute of Can. (HRAI)
- Heavy Horse Breeders’ Assn
- Helicopter Industry Support Assn of BC
- Heritage Society of BC
- Heron Court Co-op
- High Country Tourism Assn
- Hope & District Chamber of Commerce
- Horse Council of BC
- Horse Trials BC
- Hospital Employees’ Union
- Hospitality Industry Education Advisory Committee
- Hostelling International Can. – BC Region
- Hotel & Rest. Culinary Employees & Bartenders’ Union
- House Bound Rehabilitation
- Houston & District Chamber of Commerce
- Huntington Place
- Hyack Festival
- Immigrant and Visible Minority Women of BC
- Immigrant Services Society of BC
- Ind Comm & Inst Environmental Managers Assn
- Independent Computer Consultants Assn
- Independent Contractors & Businesses Assn
- Independent Dairymen of BC
- Indian Homemakers Assn
- Infor. Technology Assn of Can.-BC
- Institute of Certified Management Consultants of BC
- Institute of Chartered Accountants of BC
- Institute of Internal Auditors
- Institute of Real Estate Mgt., BC Chapter #50
- Insurance Agents Assn of BC
- Insurance Brokers Assn of BC
- Insurance Bureau of Can.
- Insurance Conference Planners Assn
- Insurance Council of BC
- Insurance Institute of BC
- Int’l Assn of Arson Investigators-BC Chapter
- Int’l Assn of Machinists & Aerospace Workers
- Int’l Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- Int’l Union of Operating Engineers
- Int’l. Assn of Public Practitioners-BC Chapter
- Int’l Assn of Bus. Communicators-BC Chapter
- Int’l Bottled Water Assn
- Int’l Development Education Resource Assn
- Int’l Special Events Society
- Int’l Woodworkers of America
- Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship of Can.-BC Region
- Inter. Longshoremen’s & Warehousemen’s Union-Cdn. Office
- Inter. Simultaneous Translation Services
- Inter. Union of Bricklayers & Allied Craftsmen-BC Provincial Conference
- Interior Designers Institute of BC
- Interior Forest Labour Relations Assn
- Interior Greenhouse Growers
- Interior Indian Friendship Society
- Interior Lumber Manufacturers’ Assn
- Interior Vegetable Marketing Agency Ltd
- Interlock Employee Assistance Society
- Intersect Youth and Family Services Society
- Investment Dealers Assn of Can.
- Island Farms Dairies Co-op Assn
- Island Vegetable Co-operative Assn
- Italian Chamber of Commerce
- Italian Cultural Centre Society
- Japan External Trade Organization
- Japanese Tour Operators Assn
- Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver
- Jewish Festival of the Arts Society
- The Jobransa Foundation For Children
- John Howard Society of BC
- John Howard Society of the Lower Mainland of BC
- Juan De Fuca Chamber of Commerce
- Junior Achievement of BC
- Justice Institute of BC
- Just Energy Foundation
- Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
- Kaien Island Co-op
- Kaleidoscope Theatre Productions Society
- Kamloops & District Elizabeth Fry Society
- Kamloops & District Real Estate Board
- Kamloops Community YMCA-YWCA
- Kamloops Intercare Society
- Kamloops Visitors and Convention Bureau
- Kamloops Youth Resources Society
- Kamloops-Okanagan Dairymens’ Assn
- Kanata Co-op
- Karate BC
- Kaslo Chamber of Commerce
- Kelowna Chamber of Commerce
- Kelowna Community YM-YWCA
- Kelowna Visitor & Convention Bureau
- Keremeos & District Chamber of Commerce
- Kettle Friendship Society
- Kidfinder-ID Foundation
- Kidney Foundation of Can.-BC Branch
- Killarney Gardens
- Kimberley Bavarian Society Chamber of Commerce
- Kinross Creek
- Kinsmen Rehabilitation Foundation of BC
- Kitimat Chamber of Commerce
- Kitimat Child Development Centre Assn
- Kitsilano Chamber of Commerce
- Kiwanis Club Downtown Vancouver
- Klondike Visitors Assn
- Kootenay Assn for Science and Technology
- Kootenay County Tourist Assn
- Kootenay Real Estate Board
- Kwantlen College Faculty Assn
- Laborers’ Int’l Union of North America
- Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce
- Lakewood Terrace
- Langara Students’ Union
- Langley Assn for Community Living
- Langley Community Services Society
- Langley Chamber of Commerce
- Langley Hospice Society
- Langley Stepping Stone Rehabilitative Society
- Law Courts Education Society
- Law Foundation of BC
- Law Society of BC
- Le Coeur Co-op
- Learning Disabilities Assn of BC
- Learning Disabilities Assn of BC-Vancouver Chapter
- Legal Information Systems & Technologies Foundation
- Legal Services Society of BC
- Levellers Co-op
- Leukemia Research Fund of Canada – BC Region
- Licensed Investigators Assn of BC
- Life Line Society of Burnaby
- Lifesaving Society – BC and Yukon Branch
- Life Underwriters Assn of BC
- Lillooet & District Chamber of Commerce
- Lillooet Friendship Centre
- Literacy BC
- Little Mountain Resident Care & Housing Society
- Lotus Light Charity Society
- Lower Fraser Valley Cerebral Palsy Assn
- Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau/Camping Bureau
- Lower Mainland Community Based Services Society
- Lower Mainland Grocers Co-op Assn
- Lower Mainland Independent Grocers Assn
- Lumby & District Chamber of Commerce
- Lupus Assn of BC
- Lynn Valley Co-op
- Lytton & District
Want to be listed?
These pages are always under construction. If your non-profit association is not listed in the Directory, please contact or e-mail our office for your free listing. Please note that we do not sell our list.
Please note that AMC NPO Solutions. is not legally or otherwise responsible for any material appearing on linked or listed websites.