Ontario Not for Profit Associations
From “A” to “C”
This list of associations is meant to be a helpful directory and is not an exhaustive list of all associations across the province. AMC does not guarantee that the association listed is still in operation or a registered nonprofit. For this type of information, please check with government agencies.
- 2-Spirited People of the First Nation
- Aboriginal Articling Student Support Council
- Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada (AFOA)
- Aboriginal Nurses Assn of Can.
- Achēv Employment, Youth, Language and Newcomer Services
- Action Can. Network
- Action CIND
- Action League of Physically Handicapped Adults
- Acoustic Neuroma Assn of Can.
- Acupuncture Foundation of Can.
- Addictions Research Foundation-East Region
- Adoption Council of On
- Advocacy Centre for the Elderly
- Advocacy Resource Centre for the Handicapped
- Aerobatics Can.
- Affordable Housing Action Group
- African-Cdn Sports/Recreation Assn
- Aga Khan Foundation Can.
- AIDS Committee of London
- AIDS Committee of Ottawa
- Air Cadet League of Can.
- Air & Waste Management Assn-National Office
- Air Sailing Club
- Alfa Romeo Club of Can.
- Allergy Asthma Information Assn
- Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Society of On
- Alliance of Breast Cancer Survivors
- Allied Boating Assn of Can.
- Alternative Computer Training for the Disabled
- Alzheimer Society of London & Middlesex
- Alzheimer Society of Ottawa-Carleton
- American Civil War Historical Re-Enactment Society
- American FoundrymenÕs Society – On Chapter
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of Can.
- Animal Rescue Mission
- Anthroposophical Society of Can.
- Antique & Classic Boat Society Inc. (Toronto)
- Antique & Classic Car Club of Can.
- Aplastic Anemia Assn of Can.
- Apulia Cultural Assn
- Arctic Society of Can. (The)
- Arthur Gliding Club
- As Parents Grow Older
- Assembly of First Nations
- Assn of Aquatic Personal of On
- Assn for Bright Children (On)
- Assn of Cdn Biscuit Manufacturers
- Assn of Cdn Map Libraries & Archives
- Assn for the Export of Cdn Books
- Assn of International Border Agencies
- Assn of Mature Cdn
- Assn for the Neurologically Disabled of Can.
- Assn of Palestinian Arab Cdn-Ottawa Breast Cancer Action
- Australian Wine Society of Toronto
- Autism Society Can.
- Automate Canada
- Back Assn of Can.
- Balloon Assn of On
- Baltic Federation in Can.
- Bereaved Families of On-Hamilton/Wentworth/Burlington
- Beaverbrook Cdn Foundation
- Beaver Valley Soaring Club
- Bikes Not Cars
- Black Business & Professional Assn
- Blue Oval Car Club
- BMW Club of Can.
- BÕnai Brith Can.
- Body Shop Charitable Foundation (The)
- Boot n Bonnet British Car Club
- Boundless Adventures Assn
- Boxing On
- Boys & Girls Clubs of On
- Breast Cancer International Centre (The)
- Brewers Assn of Can.
- Bridgehead Inc.
- British Empire Motor Club Inc.
- British Pensioners Assn (Can.)
- Broomball Federation of On
- Bubble/Micro Car Club
- Budgerigar & Foreign Bird Society
- Burlington Autosport Club
- Burn Survivors Assn
- Burton Charitable Foundation (The)
- Bytown Railway Society
- Calypso Assn of Can.
- Camera Guild of Can.
- Can. Angola Business Council
- Can. Arab Business Council
- Canadian center for Women’s Empowerment
- Can. China Business Council
- Can. China Friendship Society of Ottawa Cdn 4-H Council
- Can. Cuba Sports & Fitness Cultural Festivals
- Can. Czech Republic Chamber of Commerce
- Can. Finland Chamber of Commerce
- Can. Indonesia Business Council
- Can. Israel Chamber of Commerce
- Can. Latin America Resource Centre
- Can. Mink Breeders Assn
- Can. Netherlands Chamber of Commerce
- Can. Poland Business Council
- Can. Rumania Business Council
- Can. Russia Business Council
- Can. Sheep Council
- Can. Sri Lanka Business Council
- Can. Ukraine Business Council
- Can. US Business Assn
- Care Haven HealthCare Inc.
- Cdn AIDS Society
- Cdn Alliance Against Software Theft
- Cdn Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia
- Cdn Amateur Diving Assn Inc. – Dive On
- Cdn Amateur Speed Skating Assn – On Branch
- Cdn Animation Producers Assn
- Cdn Antique Dealers Assn
- Cdn Apparel Federation
- Cdn Arab Federation
- Cdn Archives Foundation
- Cdn Arctic Resources Committee
- Cdn Assn for Children of Alcoholics
- Cdn Assn for Community Care
- Cdn Assn for Community Living
- Cdn Assn of the Deaf
- Cdn Assn of Elizabeth Fry Societies-Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa
- Cdn Assn of Food Banks
- Cdn Assn for Home Based Business
- Cdn Assn of Independent Living Centres
- Cdn Assn of Moldmakers
- Cdn Assn of Nordic Ski Instructors
- Cdn Assn of Numismatic Dealers
- Cdn Assn of Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists
- Cdn Atherosclerosis Society
- Cdn Authors Assn – Hamilton Branch
- Cdn Automobile Assn Ottawa
- Cdn Aviation Maintenance Council
- Cdn Back Institute
- Cdn Baton Twirling Federation
- Cdn Billiard & Pool Federation
- Cdn Book Manufacturers Assn
- Cdn Brain Tissue Bank
- Cdn Breast Cancer Foundation
- Cdn Brush, Broom & Mop Manufacturers Assn
- Cdn Bus Assn
- Cdn Camping Assn
- Cdn Cancer Society
- Cdn Cannon Law Society
- Cdn Carpet Institute
- Cdn Carwash Assn
- Cdn Cattlemen’s Assn-Ottawa Office
- Cdn Centre for Stress & Well-Being
- Cdn Ceramic Society
- Cdn Child Care Federation
- Cdn Classic Chevy Club
- Cdn Coalition for High Blood Pressure Prevention & Control
- Cdn Coalition on Medication Use & Seniors
- Cdn Commission for UNESCO
- Cdn Competitive Aerobics Federation
- Cdn Comprehensive Auditing Foundation
- Cdn Co-ordinating Council on Deafness
- Cdn Council on Animal Care
- Cdn Council of the Blind (The)
- Cdn Courier Assn
- Cdn Crafts Council
- Cdn Culinary Institute
- Cdn Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- Cdn Dance Tapestry
- Cdn Dance Teachers Assn
- Cdn Deafened Persons Assn
- Cdn Diabetes Assn
- Cdn Earth Energy Assn
- Cdn Ethnocultural Council
- Cdn Electric Wheelchair Hockey Assn
- Cdn Federation of Chefs & Cooks
- Cdn Federation of Independent Business
- Cdn Fitness & Lifestyle Research Institute
- Cdn Flag Assn
- Cdn Folk Arts Council
- Cdn Foundation for AIDS Research
- Cdn Foundation for Drug Policy
- Cdn Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons
- Cdn Foundry Assn
- Cdn Gemmological Assn
- Cdn German Chamber of Industry & Commerce Inc.
- Cdn Give the Gift of Literacy Foundation
- Cdn Golf Industry Assn
- Cdn Guild of Pakistani Women
- Cdn Hard of Hearing Assn
- Cdn Hearing Society-Hamilton Office
- Cdn Hearing Society-Ottawa Office
- Cdn Housing & Renewal Assn
- Cdn Hunger Foundation
- Cdn Hydrographic Assn-Ottawa Branch
- Cdn Hypertension Society
- Cdn Industrial Risks Insurers
- Cdn Industrial Sweetener Users
- Cdn Infectious Disease Society
- Cdn Information Processing Security SIG
- Cdn Institute of Child Health
- Cdn Institute of Food Science & Technology
- Cdn Institute of Guided Ground Transport
- Cdn Intern & Resident Matching Service
- Cdn International Air Show
- Cdn Iris Society
- Cdn Islamic Organization Inc.
- Cdn Jewellers Assn
- Cdn Kendo Federation
- Cdn Kennel Club
- Cdn LadiesÕ Golf Assn-On Branch
- Cdn Library Assn
- Cdn Linguistic Assn
- Cdn Liver Foundation – Hamilton-Wentworth Chapter
- Cdn Macedonian Federation
- Cdn Master Athlete Federation
- Cdn Masters Track & Field Assn
- Cdn Medic Alert Foundation Inc.
- Cdn Mental Health Assn
- Cdn Middle East Information Centre
- Cdn Mothercraft Society of Toronto
- Cdn Motorcycle Assn
- Cdn Manufactured Housing Institute
- Cdn Meat Council
- Cdn Mediterranean Institute
- Cdn Mushroom Growers’ Assn
- Cdn Music Festival AdjudicatorsÕ Assn
- Cdn National Aboriginal Tourism Assn
- Cdn National Cat Club
- Cdn National Institute for the Blind
- Cdn Native Arts Foundation
- Cdn Nature Federation
- Cdn Navigation Society
- Cdn Nut Council
- Cdn Olympic Assn
- Cdn Osteopathic Aid Society
- Cdn Organic Growers Inc.
- Cdn Paediatric Society
- Cdn Palliative Care Assn
- Cdn Paraplegic Assn (ON)-Ottawa Office
- Cdn Parks & Wilderness Society-Ottawa Valley Chapter
- Cdn Pediatric Foundation
- Cdn Play Therapy Institute
- Cdn Polish Congress-Ottawa Branch
- Cdn Park Council Cdn Psoriasis Foundation-Ottawa Chapter
- Cdn Physicians for Aid & Relief
- Cdn Port & Harbour Assn
- Cdn Potato Chip/Snack Food Assn
- Cdn Power & Sail Squadrons (Cdn Headquarters)
- Cdn Quilters Assn
- Cdn Racing Drivers Assn
- Cdn Racing Pigeon Union
- Cdn Recording Industry Assn
- Cdn Recreational Vehicle Assn
- Cdn Red Cross Society (The)
- Cdn Reference Centre for Cancer Pathology
- Cdn Rehabilitation Council for the Disabled
- Cdn Remote Sensing Society
- Cdn Resort Development Assn
- Cdn Restaurant & Foodservices Assn
- Cdn Rett Syndrome Assn
- Cdn Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastic Federation
- Cdn Rose Society
- Cdn Satellite Users Assn
- Cdn Schizophrenia Foundation
- Cdn Scholarship Trust Foundation
- Cdn School Sports Federation
- Cdn Sewing & Needlecraft Assn
- Cdn Ski Council
- Cdn Ski Assn-National Capital
- Cdn Ski Patrol System
- Cdn Snowbird Assn
- Cdn Society of Agronomy
- Cdn Society for Chemical Engineering-Ottawa Section
- Cdn Society for Clinical Investigation
- Cdn Society of Allergy & Clinical Immunology
- Cdn Society of Mayflower Descendants
- Cdn Society of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery
- Cdn Solar Industries Assn Inc.
- Cdn Special Olympics Inc.
- Cdn Stamp Dealers Assn
- Cdn Standards Assn
- Cdn Standardbred Horse Society
- Cdn Steel Can Recycling-Sponsored by Dafasco
- Cdn Steel Industry Research Assn
- Cdn Street Rod Assn
- Cdn Sugar Institute
- Cdn Syringomyelia Network
- Cdn Television Series Development Foundation
- Cdn Thoroughbred Horse Society
- Cdn Thoracic Society
- Cdn Tibetan Assn of On
- Cdn Toy CollectorsÕ Society Inc.
- Cdn Toy Testing Council
- Cdn Transplantation Society
- Cdn Transportation Equipment Assn.
- Cdn Trotting Assn
- Cdn Trauma Foundation
- Cdn Vintage Motorcycle Group
- Cdn Wheelchair Sports Assn -On
- Cdn Wildlife Federation
- Cdn Wildlife Foundation
- Cdn Wildfowling Heritage Conservancy Inc.
- Cdn Wind Energy Assn Inc.
- Cdn Wine Institute
- Cancer Information Service
- Candlelighter Childhood Cancer Foundation Can.-Kitchener/Waterloo Leukaemia Assn
- Canoe On
- Capital Region Centre for the Hearing Impaired
- CARE Can.
- Centre for Aboriginal Education, Research & Culture
- Centre for Spanish Speaking peoples
- Centre for Studies of Aging
- Central On Chinese Cultural Centre
- Central On Developmental Riding Program
- Chamber of Marine Commerce
- Chawkers Foundation (The)
- Checker Car Club of America
- Chenstochover Aid Society
- Chess Federation of Can.
- Chess Foundation of Can.
- Child Care Advocacy Assn of Can.
- Child Welfare League of Can.
- Children’s Wish Foundation of Can.-National Capital Region (The)
- Chinese Community Housing Corporation-Ottawa
- Chinese Freemasons
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Group
- Citizens Against Bad Law
- Citroen Autoclub of Can.
- City of Ottawa Coin Club
- Clans & Scottish Societies of Can.
- Cloverleaf Charitable Foundation (The)
- Coffee Assn of Can.
- Community Assn for Riding for the Disabled
- Community Food Centres Canada
- Community Living London
- Community Living Mississauga
- Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
- ConsumersÕ Debt Counselling Service of London
- Council for a Drug- Free Work Place (The)
- Copyright Collective of Can.
- Corvette Club of On Inc.
- Cree Napskapi Commission
- Crime Writers of Can.
- CrohnÕs & Colitis Foundation of Can.
- Cruise & Freighter Travel Assn
- Cryonics Society of Can.
Want to be listed?
These pages are always under construction. If your non-profit association is not listed in the Directory, please contact or e-mail our office for your free listing. Please note that we do not sell our list.
Please note that AMC NPO Solutions. is not legally or otherwise responsible for any material appearing on linked or listed websites.