Ontario Not for Profit Associations
From “N” to “Z”
This list of associations is meant to be a helpful directory and is not an exhaustive list of all associations across the province. AMC does not guarantee that the association listed is still in operation or a registered nonprofit. For this type of information, please check with government agencies.
- National Aboriginal Forestry Assn-Branch Office
- National Anti-Proverty Organization
- National Assn of Friendship Centres
- National Capital Region Interpreters & Translators Assn
- National Capital Sports Council of the Disabled Inc.
- National Capital Tennis Assn
- National Communication Coaching Assoc. of Canada
- National Educational Assn of Disabled Students
- National Federation of Pakistani Cdns Inc.
- National Institute of Nutrition
- National Assn of Miniature Enthusiasts
- National Youth Care Network
- Navy League of Can.
- Network on International Human Rights
- New Portuguese Centre (London)
- Nonprescription Drug Manufacturers Assn of Can.
- North America Harness Racing Marketing Assn
- North-South Institute (The)
- Ocean Voice International Inc.
- Olde Forge Community Resource Centre(The)
- One Voice-The Cdn Seniors Network
- On AIDS Network
- On Archaeological Society Inc. – Ottawa Chapter
- On Archery Assn
- On Bird Banding Assn
- On Greens (The)
- On Herpetological Society
- On Home Care Programs Assn
- On Jaguar Owners Assn
- On Japan Karate Assn
- On Kinesiology Assn
- On Lung Assn-London & Middlesex Office
- On Lung Assn – Ottawa-Carleton Region Office
- On March of Dimes- Hamilton Regional Office
- On Marina Operators Assn
- On Midwifery Consumer Netwoek-London Chapter
- On Model Soldier Society
- Operation Go Home
- Organic Crop Improvement Assn (On) Inc.
- Ottawa-Carleton Board of Trade
- Ottawa-Carleton Council on Aging
- Ottawa Field -Naturalists Club
- Ottawa Flute Assn
- Ottawa Lapsmith Club
- Ottawa Multicultural Folk Arts Council
- Ottawa Orchid Society
- Ottawa Professional Soccer Society
- Ottawa Sports Hall of Fame
- Ottawa Valley Curling Assn
- Ottawalk
- Pakistani Sports & Cultural Club of Mississauga Inc.
- Pan American Hockey Federation
- Parkinson Foundation of Canada-Hamilton Chapter
- Partnership Africa Canada
- Pastel Society of Canada
- Pastry ChefÕs Guild of On
- Pedorthic Assn of Can.
- People, Word & Change
- Prairie Pools Inc.
- Provincial Chapter of On IODE (The)
- Public Interest Advocacy Centre (The)
- Putting People First
- RA Stamp Club
- Racetracks of Can. Inc.
- Radio Amateurs of Canada
- Ramara News
- Recreation Assn of the Public Service of Can.
- Recreational Fisheries Institute of Can.
- ReyeÕs Syndrome Foundation of Canada
- Rideau Gliding Club
- Rideau Trail Assn
- Romanian-Cdn Assn of Ottawa-Carleton
- Royal Cdn Legion
- Royal Life Saving Society Can.
- Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (The)-Ottawa Branch
- RPSC Philatelic Research Foundation
- Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Can.
- Scouts Canada
- Shipbuilding Assn of Can.
- Slavic Congress of Canada
- Soaring Assn of Can.
- Society for American Wines (The)-Ottawa Chapter
- Society Bead Researchers
- Society of Cdn Ornithologists
- Solar Energy Society of Can.
- South Asia Partnership Can.
- Southern Africa Education Trust Fund
- Spectroscopy Society of Can.
- Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Assn of On-Ottawa Regional Chapter
- Sri Lanka Can. Development Fund
- Take A Pain Check
- Thalidomide Victims Assn of Can.
- Thames Valley Trail Assn
- Thyroid Foundation of Canada-Ottawa Area Chapter
- Total Body Learning Institute (Canada) Inc.
- Traffic Inquiry Research Foundation of Can.
- Transport 2000 Can.
- Tungasuvvingat Inuit
- United Nations Assn in Can.
- Vanier Institute of The Family
- Vered Foundation (The)
- Victorian Order of Nurses for Can.
- Vietnamese Cdn Federation
- War Amputations of Can. (The)
- Watercan
- Western Can. Wilderness Committee-WCWC Ottawa Chapter & Ottawa Canvas Office
- Western Fair Assn
- Western On Sports Cars Assn
- White Owl Native Ancestry Assn
- Wildlife Habitat Can.
- World Council of Indigenous Peoples
- World Federalists of Can.
- World University Service of Can.
- York Entrepreneurship Development Institute
- Youth Science Foundation
Want to be listed?
These pages are always under construction. If your non-profit association is not listed in the Directory, please contact or e-mail our office for your free listing. Please note that we do not sell our list.
Please note that AMC NPO Solutions. is not legally or otherwise responsible for any material appearing on linked or listed websites.