Board Governance Assessment


The board, as a whole, has a good understanding of its governance philosophy, including its role and its overall responsibilities.

The board knows the organization’s mission statement and major goals.

The board considers strategic issues that may affect the organization.

The board knows the operating structure (board, officers, committees and staff) of the organization.

The board deals primarily with policy-related issues.

The board avoids micro-managing the organization.

The board approves the annual financial budget of the organization.

The board receives regular reports on financial performance of the organization.

The board receives regular reports on the program performance of the organization.

The board helps set fundraising goals of the organization.

Governance Assessment
Very Good
You know what you doing.
Adequate But Still Not Enough
You still need to improve to get your organization performing at their best.
Require More Work
You definitely need to improve to get your organization performing at their best.
Very Bad
Oh my. How is this possible? Contact our advisor right away.
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