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Create a smooth running, more effective, nonprofit organization.
Build an effective partnership between the volunteer board and staff using the Complementary Model of Board Governance.
The Complementary Model of Board Governance outlines a policy-based model of governance and management that can be readily adopted within not-for-profit organizations (NPOs).
It’s a clear, cooperative and comprehensive way to govern and manage your nonprofit.

"A clear, cooperative, and comprehensive way to govern and manage your not-for-profit organization."
Tom Abbott
Managing Director of AMC NPO Solutions.
In this Ebook You Will Discover...

Strategic Planning
Strategic planning explained. How the plan is created, the board’s role in approving, implementing, and monitoring as well as the role of staff.

Ethical Standards
You’ll learn codes of conduct for the board and CEO and get a sample conflict of interest policy.

Task Forces
How to make the best use of board committees, task forces, and CEO working committees. Sample terms of reference, roles and reporting are also included.
What's Inside The Complementary Model of Board Governance
- Useful templates to manage and govern your day-to-day and long-term operations
- Detailed look at the 10 guiding principles of Complementary Governance
- Tips and tactics for using committees and task forces more effectively
- Step-by-step guides and a template for a directors’ manual showing who does what within each layer of your organization
- Strategic Planning Explained
- Using Committees and Task Forces
This book will provide much needed assistance to volunteers and staff of small, mid-sized and large NPOs who are trying to cope in an environment of contracting resources and expanding demands for services.
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